“How NLP started to save my life!”
featuring Fertility & Business Coach Helen Corsi-Cadmore
Series 5 – Episode 1
“How NLP started to save my life!”
– featuring Fertility & Business Coach Helen Corsi-Cadmore
NLP Saved my life! Interested in how NLP can positively impact someone’s fertility journey? The difference NLP goal setting makes in business? Or simply interested in an inspirational story where NLP started to “save my life!”… Helen was suffering from Postnatal Depression after having twins the week before lockdown in March 2020! On her weekend NLP Course, she started to change her life for the better.
Helen shares how she now helps others on their fertility journey, get rid of Needle Phobias using NLP AND the role of mindset in fertility. She also shares her successes as a business coach and how she helped a lady secure a job after 20 years of not having an interview! (and she nailed it following the NLP Techniques). Helen shares how NLP Goal setting has transformed her business success and more! Tune in Today!
5 Year IVF journey
Helen and her husband had spent five years trying to get pregnant. She suffered two ectopic pregnancies and the loss of three angel babies, her IVF journey was really tough. The IVF process was physically and mentally challenging, filled with negative emotions. Being unable to start a family naturally, with the added trauma of ectopic pregnancy and loss, life for Helen felt heavy.
Business & Babies
Helen eventually got pregnant with twin girls, during her pregnancy, Helen decided to sell her six million pound business. This involved some major decisions and then the pandemic of 2020 hit. A week before lockdown in March 2020 Helen gave birth to twin girls. With no support, two brand new babies, for Helen everything felt huge.
Buzzing from an NLP course
Helen’s husband had completed the Unleash Your Potential Online NLP Coaching Diploma and noticed how he was buzzing, he raved about the course and it’s content and how it made a difference to him, he then without her knowledge booked her a place on the face to face two-day NLP Coaching Diploma course…..
Two Day NLP Coaching Diploma
Helen arrived for her two-day NLP Coaching Diploma course. Secretly filled with sadness. She was suffering from postnatal depression, her IVF journey resulted in two beautiful babies and at that moment in time, she didn’t want them, she felt she had lost control of her life. She wanted out and she was so low that she really didn’t want to carry on, she questioned, is this all life has to offer me? The babies were four months old and she knew something had to change.
Leaving the house to attend the course was exciting, Helen could actually have a hot cup of coffee, normally unheard of with twins. The two-day NLP Coaching Diploma course taught Helen simple techniques that had a huge impact, alongside a full understanding of NLP and how it can be used. She immediately began to feel a change. She loved the fact that NLP is content-free. She had spent hours in counselling and the long drawn out process was ardious for her…where as NLP was super quick. The smallest of techniques had the biggest of impacts and Helen began to feel hungry for life again…..NLP saved my life…it literally started to save my life!
Fertility Coach
Helen has gone on to complete multiple qualifications in NLP, including her certified NLP Practitioner and Certified Coach. Using her NLP knowledge is she is able to offer fertility coaching, helping others through their IVF journey. The NLP techniques that she has learned have enabled her to help with needle phobias (IVF involves lots of needles). The NLP Fast Phobia model lends itself perfectly to her clients and a needle phobia can be removed in about 15 minutes or so. A phobia is an irrational fear and getting rid of a needle phobia can be life-changing for Helen’s clients.
As a fertility coach, Helen recognises how a positive mindset can help with the IVF journey. If you feel amazing in yourself, you will feed that into your IVF journey, you will have confidence and this is a huge opportunity to get the results you desire. All emotions are interlinked and changing your mindset helps to make new decisions and potentially change your results.
Award Winning Business Consultant
Helen is an award-winning entrepreneur in her own right and uses her NLP toolkit with her business coaching clients. Helen works to change the mindset of new start-up business owners, changing their limiting beliefs of ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m not worthy’ to more positive ‘I can’ statements. NLP helps Helen’s clients change their mindset, moving from procrastination to motivation, changing their thoughts to I can rather than I can’t!
NLP saved my life
Helen truly believes that NLP literally started to save her life, she sent Laura Evans our award-winning NLP trainer a text “The NLP techniques I started to learn literally saved my life, I can’t thank you enough ” She said “When I wrote that text I wanted to be able to share my experience to help others. I want to tell other people that you can move forward in your life, you don’t have to be stuck and NLP can help you with that!”
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
Web Address: www.unleashyourpotential.org.uk
Email Address: [email protected]
Guest Bio

Name: Helen Corsi Cadmore
Job Title: Business Consultant and Fertility Coach
Bio: Helen is a results based certified coach and NLP certified Practitioner who believes in maintaining a positive mindset and creating partnerships with purpose and alignment. She is a multi award winning business woman and is truly passionate about helping others succeed.
She started as an entrepreneur from a young age, successfully growing a property brand across South Wales and am now a successful business owner offering my services in coaching and consulting. been recognised as a top young business professional in Wales
Coaching Specialisms: Fertility Coaching, Business Consulting, Personal Coaching
Web Address: www.helencorsicadmore.com
Email Address: Contact Helen