NLP Talks with Laura Evans – Episode 7
Redundancy is just the beginning – the birth of Unleash Your Potential with Laura Evans
Show Notes
Does it feel like redundancy is the end? What if redundancy gave you the opportunity to grab your future with both hands?
In this episode, our podcast host Laura Evans is in the hot seat and shares her redundancy story, which led to the creation of her NLP training company – Unleash Your Potential Ltd. She shares her story of how redundancy was the start of something great and why she loves sharing her passion of helping others through quality NLP Courses.
Laura’s journey with NLP started in 2008 with a colleague in her workplace at the time. Every time the colleague began to present to an audience in the corporate environment she would be a quivering mess and really struggle with her role. Laura was called away from the office for a few weeks and when she returned the colleague was due to present in a meeting. When her colleague stood up she delivered a confident, eloquent presentation and Laura was shocked. She enquired what was the noticeable change and the colleague replied I’ve been on an NLP course and this was where Laura’s NLP journey began.
What does NLP mean
Colita asks Laura to explain what NLP means. Laura shares that many people call her the mindset lady and that NLP is a bunch of techniques that can change your mindset. Laura is able to get rid of a phobia in 20 minutes, get rid of someones limiting belief, change their mind from “I’m not good enough” to “I am totally good enough” in 12 minutes, NLP gets amazing results. As NLP Practitioners and Masters we change mindsets and work with the unconscious mind. They say it can take 21 days to change a habit, this is a conscious process which is driven by the unconscious mind. NLP allows you to get to the unconscious behavior and make quick changes. Alongside the techniques, there is the linguistic part to NLP which involves communication and questions. NLP is a manual for the mind, an attitude of curiosity, a willingness to learn, its a desire to change and ultimately achieve your goals faster.
Redundancy is just the start
Laura goes on to discuss her redundancy journey and thinks redundancy is hugely exciting. So many of us suffer in a work environment, we stick to the routine and put up with the mundane day to day. When you are made redundant its as if you have been given a blank piece of paper. You have the chance to create your future. You can change the profession, go employed to self-employed or try something new. Redundancy gives you an opportunity to carve out your future.
Laura remembers her redundancy conversation and she recognises that this is a massive shock and often catches you by surprise. You go through a change curve, there will be sadness and denial and you need to go through the process but you will come out of the other side. Laura was made redundant three times and the last time she went on an NLP Practitioner course. The course was funded here in Wales by React funding, this was the start of Unleash Your Potential her NLP training business.
NLP Industry
Colita asks Laura to share her opinion on the NLP industry as Colita had a bad NLP training experience before training with Unleash Your Potential. Laura admits that she feels the industry is shocking. There are a number of people who come to Laura to be re-trained, as they have bought a £19.99 online training course, which actually means nothing without the practical element. They have no actual idea how to deliver the techniques. The NLP toolkit is a powerful set of techniques but without the correct guidance and feedback, you will not be able to deliver it or help others sufficiently. The same goes for face to face training with huge numbers, it is impossible to train 60/70/80 people and check all of their capabilities without the delegates actually practising the techniques and being checked with feedback. Laura’s passion is training Practitioners and coaches who can do the techniques properly. She believes the industry needs to pull its socks up. For Laura, it’s about quality not just churning people out.
Laura’s Favourite Techniques
Laura’s first choice of techniques would be submodalities. Submodalities are techniques that encode and give meaning to our internal representations. It is the meaning to our thinking. With submodalities, Laura can change the way someone feels about something and if Laura can change their thinking, she can change their outcomes and their results. The second technique is Time Line Therapy™, this changed Laura’s life. She was in a very dark place at the time of her training and it really helped her to let go of her baggage. This is not to be confused with counsellings walking the timeline process. Timeline Therapy™ is an advanced NLP technique created by Tad James and you can only get this from an ABNLP approved training school. Timeline Therapy™ helps you to get rid of your negative emotions, anger, hurt, fear, sadness, guilt and all emotional baggage, it is content free and then allows you to put a positive goal in your future. Every delegate on Laura’s Practitioner training gets to experience Timeline Therapy™ supported by qualified coaches.
Future thoughts
Laura has a very clear business goal and knows what she wants and why she feels that way. She stands for quality, customer service and to be making a difference in the world. She recalls her qualification journey and the decision that she made to go down the trainer route. She loves coaching but she realised that as she really wants to make a difference, becoming a trainer enables her to help more people and equip those people to help others, creating a ripple effect that spreads year on year. Laura is very excited about the future and is honored that Tad James the creator of Timeline Line Therapy™ and head of the ABNLP who accredits Laura’s training, notes her as one of the rising stars of trainers in the UK.
Colitas Quick Fire Round Questions
1. What animal would you be and why? Laura chooses a lion and shares that she believes everybody should stand up tall, be proud and run their own jungle. We often don’t and inhibit our own lives, be more lion.
2. If you had the day off tomorrow, what would you do? Laura would walk Rosie her dog by the sea, this is where she relaxes, unwinds and thinks creatively.
3. If you were paid for this podcast episode, what would you spend the money on? She would travel on an around the world trip creating memories.
Unleash Your Potential Badge
Laura chose the badge Disruptive – Laura says her delegates would agree she is disruptive. Laura believes she is disrupting the NLP industry. There are a lot of people and other NLP trainers watching her. She is all about quality and turning out great people. She wants NLP to be something to be proud of and be the go-to thing.
Laura’s Top Technique
Laura talked redundancy at the beginning of the podcast and understands that this can cause overwhelm. Overwhelm is a massive part of a problem often linked with anxiety. It is the unconscious mind reacting to what’s going on in the environment. You can’t stop it but you can manage it. It is emotional paralysis, like getting stuck in bog. Laura shares her top tip on how to deal with overwhelm. You need to ask yourself a question ” What’s the very first thing I need to do” and then do it.
Laura’s parting thought.
You can do anything you set your mind to, it’s about tenacity, it’s about focus and it’s about getting on it. I believe anyone can do anything they set their mind to if they want it bad enough.
Contact Laura
If you would like to find out more about Laura’s training the best place to go is to the website
Guest Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
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Email Address: [email protected]