NLP Talks with Laura Evans – Episode 2
NLP delivers game changing results for big business with Jeff Kidner
Looking to use NLP in Business or as a Line Manager? Want tips on how to get large organisations not only to accept NLP but benefit from the tangible business results it can deliver?
In this episode of NLP Talks with Laura Evans, we invite you to meet Jeff Kidner, Master NLP Coach, Founder and Principal Coach of Elite Breakthrough Solutions. Jeff will share how he used NLP with colleagues he managed as well as Senior Directors, with transformational results. He’ll also share his passion for Time Line Therapy™ and why he thinks everyone should have access to it!
Jeff discovered NLP through his own self-development, nearing 50 he felt there must be more to life. He discovered the Unleash Your Potential website and his mind was made up. Although he had trained up to a level 7 ILM coach he always knew there was something missing. When he discovered NLP he knew he had found the missing piece of the jigsaw.
Life before NLP
Life before NLP was filled with negative thoughts and Jeff admits self-confidence was seriously lacking. During his NLP Practitioner training, he began to discover how he could change this thinking and free himself of the negative thoughts. He also recognised that he could help his 40 strong team and identified the key NLP techniques that he could use with his collegues. Taking his knowledge to the workplace he began using some of the techniques with great results. Going on to qualify as a Master Coach he gained greater skills including understanding peoples values. It soon became evident that certain team members were in job roles that didn’t match their values and this was causing undue stress and demotivation, therefore affecting productivity. Once Jeff began to identify these pain points and started working with the individuals to bring their job roles and values into line with each other, the KPI’s and results spoke for themselves.
An outstanding result for Jeff was working with one of the female Directors. Following his sessions, team members were commenting on the change in the Director’s attitude. He was asked “What have you done to her, she is like a changed woman!” the reduction of stress made her look like she had, had botox, it was such a marked change! At a social event, her family thanked Jeff for giving her back to them. She had dealt with many issues and this huge change was evident in her life both inside and outside of work.
Perceptual Positions
Jeff talks about a great solution for dealing with conflict management “Perceptual Positions” that he used to make a change with a client. It is a great tool to help people not only deal with Conflict resolution but also it can help deal with problem-solving, get new insights and personal perspectives. Please refer to the link at the bottom of the page for more information about Perceptual Positions.
Jeffs Top Tips
Jeff shares his top three tips for using NLP in big business.
- Have a strategy – have a plan to follow and identify your advocates. Know the outcome that you are trying to achieve and make sure it aligns with the KPI’s or problems that you are trying to solve in the department/organisation.
- Be specific about your objectives and start off small and let it grow organically. If you push too far it will be rejected. Stay away from NLP language, use common specific workplace language that everyone understands.
- Use the advocates to help you implement NLP in the workplace. For example, Jeff started with a workshop called “Lunch and Learn – The Influence of Confidence”. He made this accessible for everyone, explained the benefits and slowly he generated the appetite for more and more.
Another example that Jeff talks about is how he managed to use hypnosis in a wellness session. He didn’t use the term hypnosis because of the negative connotation that people associate with the term hypnosis and instead called it relaxation. The delegates who attended the session gave incredible feedback reporting they felt energised and positive.
Laura asks Jeff to talk her through his experience of Time Line Therapy™
“What is it about Time Line™ Therapy that you love so much?” asks Laura. Jeff’s first experience of Time Line Therapy™ was on the NLP Practitioner course and it completely changed how he felt about himself. He openly admits he felt taller, cleaner and lighter. A lot of his self-critique has been reduced. It was a paradigm shift in his life and thinking. Jeff also wonders what life would have been like if he had discovered this technique in his 20’s rather than his late 40’s. He is a huge advocate of Time Line Therapy™and he believes everyone in school should be taught the technique. He loves how you can really see the shift and change within clients, and the fact that it is content free makes it amazing.
NLP Coaching is like running a race without hurdles!
Jeff uses the analogy “Life is two races, one that is full of hurdles and the other which is a straight run. Traditional coaching makes you jump the hurdles. NLP coaching removes the hurdles and lets you have a straight successful run!”
As a full-time coach Jeff shares how using NLP techniques makes sessions so much better. NLP is so flexible, adaptable and largely content free. At NLP Master Coach level you are able to deal with people’s problems using language skills, not forgetting the host of tools and techniques sat in your tool kit should you need them. He offers a range of bespoke solutions to his clients and loves the amazing results they achieve.
Laura’s Quick Fire Round Questions
- What does Unleash Your Potential mean to you? – Quality and Energy
- If there is one thing this year you want to achieve, that you’ve not yet achieved, what is that? – Get my website sorted and build my Mailchimp email list.
- If you could go back to any age, which age would you go back to? – I would stay where I am, I am happy as I am.
- What pearl of wisdom would you share? – Tell them what they need to know.
Unleash Your Potential Badge
Jeff chose the badge excited – ”Excited what does that mean to you”? “That’s how I feel when I think about NLP. How I feel about my business, myself and my clients. Instead of asking myself what’s going to make me happy or what do I want to do, I ask myself what’s going to make me excited, and that helps me be far more focused on what you want to achieve!” – Jeff Kidner.
Perceptual Positions Download
- Click Here to grab your – Perceptual Positions Download
Guest Bio

Name: Jeff Kidner
Job Title: Founder and Principal Coach of Elite Breakthrough Solutions
Bio: Jeff specialises in helping talented professionals overcome their career anxiety enabling them to achieve BREAKTHROUGH levels of confidence that supercharges them to fulfill their career and life aspirations. Using his unique Reikinetic NLP Coaching ® combining NLP, Kinetic shift, deep relaxation and Reiki in synergy with his 5 step ELITE coaching programme he achieves extraordinary results for his clients. He has 30 years of experience in environmental analysis, manufacturing, business improvement and financial services. Jeff is a coach with the knowledge, personal experience and skills to ensure you succeed.
Coaching Specialisms: Executive Coaching
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]