NLP sped up the success formula & there isn’t anything stopping me now!
– with Cat Perkins
Series 5 – Episode 4
NLP sped up the success formula & there isn’t anything stopping me now!
– with Cat Perkins
Interested to hear how time is no excuse to getting out of your own way?
Have you lost part of yourself and want to know how Cat reignited her flame?
Want to hear how Neuro-Linguistic Programming helped Cat get rid of her imposter syndrome, self-sabotage and negative self-talk? – this driven high-flyer career woman now has NO internal critical ‘noise’ since NLP (wow!) AND says “there isn’t anything stopping me now”.
Cat had been hugely successful in her career prior to NLP (becoming a senior manager at 25), but it didn’t mean she had it all figured out. She says it was tough at times but now there’s nothing stopping her – “you need this [NLP] toolkit” because for her it “sped up the formula” and made success much easier.
If you’re looking to hear about how someone used NLP to springboard and unlock their potential and/or you’re looking to be inspired by a truly unstoppable woman, listen in today!
Driven, Talented Career Woman
To the outside world, Cat was a confident career woman, yet inside, she felt it was a different story. Imposter Syndrome and negative self talk would creep into her thoughts and on the podcast she shares how she smashed through all of that with NLP.
As a high flyer, who was highly driven, Cat became a senior manager at 25 years old. She admits she always had the fire in her belly to level up and become the best in her role. When she achieved the promotion to a senior manager position the imposter syndrome really set in and she questioned “What have I set myself up for”, She likened herself to a swan…presenting a beautiful exterior when underneath everything was paddling and trying to keep her afloat.
Finding NLP In lockdown
Cat’s first course was the Diploma in NLP Coaching during the pandemic lockdown. Unable to go to work, studying NLP became an obvious choice. She signed up online and started studying in the garden. Which was where she was introduced to Laura and her unique teaching style. Immediately she decided that Laura was the NLP trainer for her and her NLP journey began.
Huge Investment in her personal development
Cat says that she had followed Laura on social media and the online diploma gave her a flavour of Laura’s teaching style. This was a huge investment for herself and her personal development. Completing the Online Diploma in a weekend, she decided to book herself a place on the NLP Practitioner course.
Sitting in the Practitioner training room on day four, she decided that her journey couldn’t end on day seven. She decided to book all the NLP courses to make sure that she had all the NLP qualifications under her belt and has since gone to complete her Certified NLP Coaching and NLP Masters qualifications.
Do I have the time to complete my NLP training?
Cat admits that she is good at time management and juggles multiple roles and voluntary roles, alongside a full-time job. She made the decision that her NLP training was important and she needed to get it completed. Cat utilized the NLP training and process to wipe out negative self-talk and imposter syndrome and made the process work for her.
NLP turned off all the self-sabotage, all the negative chatter and gave Cat the clarity and focus to succeed and lose all self-doubt. Cat believes NLP sped up the success formula, in just fourteen months.
If I can inspire one woman…
Cat was asked pre-NLP to be a keynote speaker. Her Imposter Syndrome kicked in big time and everything in her head was saying no, she just didn’t feel confident. A friend and master NLP coach helped her with a calm anchor, and she delivered the speech which opened a number of opportunities and connections for her. She has continued to use her calm anchor throughout the years (learn more about NLP anchoring). Just one example of how amazing the NLP toolkit is.
I will never be a coach
Cat attended Laura’s “Setting up a successful coaching business” course. Cat was adamant that she wasn’t going to become a coach, she just wanted to learn more for her own benefit.
Following the course and her master practitioner qualifications, all of a sudden she realised that she could help people to make changes to their lives and mindsets to achieve great success.
Knowing that she could make a real difference, she decided to create and launch her own coaching business and now her business Unstoppable Coaching has been born. (you can learn more in the bio below).
Values set the motivation
Knowing your values and what motivates you can make a huge difference in your life. Cat shares how working with a coachee with health and fitness goals, an NLP process helped them to uncover their values and make changes to make sure that their values were aligned with their motivations and get the results in their life they want. This is the magic of the NLP toolkit. Cat also mentions the NLP tool Parts integration and you can find more about that here.
NLP sped up the success formula
Cat believes that NLP has sped up her success formula and is excited to see what the future brings.
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]
Guest Bio

Name: Cat Perkins
Job Title: Director / Principle Coach
Bio: Cat has 15 years’ experience of Leadership & Management Coaching based in South Wales. Cat is a high-performance Success and Master Neuro Linguistic Coach, Tim Line Therapy and Hypnosis Practitioner. Cat is passionate about clients achieving their goals and being the best version of themselves, using unique processes to conquer confidence and crush what is holding you back to create lasting change.
Coaching Specialisms: Cat works with talented career professionals to empower them to go from stuck to UNSTOPPABLE. Working with clients to super-charge their success so that they can win every single day. Helping clients to unlock their potential, banish what is holding them back and give them laser sharp focus for them to create the future they deserve. Variety of packages, from one to one coaching, to Bullet proofing goals and Unstoppable Breakthroughs.
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]