Who are you kidding?! Self-help isn’t the answer … NLP totally changed my life!
with Kelly Liddle
Series 6 – Episode 3
Who are you kidding?! Self-help isn’t the answer … NLP totally changed my life! – with Kelly Liddle
Have you had enough of trying to fix yourself with self-help books?
Feel lost or have a critical internal chatter that you’re tired of trying to tame?
Are you a Learning and Development professional who is curious about NLP? – meet Kelly Liddle!
To everyone else Kelly appeared to be confident and have it all – the wonderful wife, son and had landed her dream job in training.
However, something wasn’t quite right.
She’d have days when she was on top form and other days would struggle to be truly present and felt really low.
She’d been obsessed with self help books and online courses but seemed unable to get herself out of the rut.
Lockdown took away her dream job while she was furloughed, but it gave her an opportunity.
She found this VERY podcast and dreamed of being one of my guests sharing how she’d changed her life with NLP … today she realises that dream!
Choosing to invest her time and money in NLP was the “best decision”.
A stand out moment was her belief change – she’d held the belief of “I’m not good enough” for 25 years and it was gone in 20 minutes on her NLP Practitioner course!
She returned to work after the course and was blown away by all the comments from people who knew her and was astonished about how much easier life was.
In addition to the changes to Kelly’s life she was astonished how her NLP Master Practitioner conversational change skills helped her become an even clearer and more advanced communicator & influencer.
As an even more credible Learning and Development professional she now says she “intuitively knows the questions to ask to get the light bulb moments” and has been invited to work with the executive team.
Kelly now uses her fast transformational NLP life changing coaching techniques with her own clients in the part time coaching business she runs alongside her Learning and Development role with great results!
Listen in today to be truly inspired about what is possible when you decide it’s time to take back the reins of your life.
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
Web Address: www.unleashyourpotential.org.uk
Email Address: [email protected]