Using NLP in Executive Coaching, Policing and to help women build confidence, show up and do their thing!- featuring Wendy Derrick
Series 4 – Episode 7
Using NLP in Executive Coaching, Policing and to help women build confidence,
show up and do their thing!
– featuring Wendy Derrick
Are you curious about the difference NLP can make in Executive Coaching and the impact of NLP on results?
Ever wondered how changing your mindset can help you get a promotion, make decisions or calmly handle cross examination as a Police Officer?
Perhaps you’re looking to understand how NLP can help you as a Leader?
In this episode Wendy Derrick shares how Neuro Linguistic Programming has made a significant difference in not just her Executive Coaching but also Management & Leadership training.
How she empowers women in all walks of life to build self confidence and show up!
She even shares how she’s using NLP within a Prison to help reduce prisoner reoffending.
This episode is a must for any Leader or anyone who wants to empower others – check it out today!
Fascinated by how the mind works
Throughout school Wendy admits that she didn’t feel very confident and this led to her researching how some people manage to be calm and confident and others can’t, which led to meeting Laura at an event, and this was her first introduction to NLP (neuro linguistic programming).
Stand out moments for Wendy
The transformational breakthrough on the NLP Masters program shifted a number of blocks that Wenday had including money. Following the breakthrough session, Wendy went straight out and sold two large packages with ease. This process is the best personal development that you can have.
Women in policing
Wendy is driven to work with women in male-dominated environments like the Police Force. Recognising the male gender bias that happens. Wendy works with women within these professions helping them with managing their mindset linked to confidence and dealing with pressure. The police force is a stressful environment and Wendy used NLP techniques including anchoring to help them manage their emotions and remain calm, enabling them to stand in court and deliver the results required.
Wendy has also supported women to gain promotions in the workplace. Sometimes women can feel overlooked, so Wendy worked with those ladies to re-visit previous experiences and then focus on clarity, calm and confidence. One lady didn’t the first position but had excellent feedback and that she was completely different to previous times. the success then delivered as she went on to get the next position she applied for.
Using NLP in Executive Coaching – Tools for promotion
Wendy used a number of NLP tools to help her clients. The very first exercise Wendy uses before she even sees a client is to bring to conscious awareness of the person’s own negative self-talk that goes on inside their heads. Wendy calls this the shit list and she knows that our thoughts influence how we feel emotionally and how we feel physically and then how we behave. By highlighting these and getting clients to write this down, it enables Wendy to peel back the layers of the inner critic of a client and analyze the linguistics and the modal operators that the person is using. Looking at their core values and beliefs that are filters of the unconscious mind which drives 95% of your behaviour.
NLP works with the unconscious mind. When unpicking those thoughts, values, and beliefs Wendy then is able to tailor long-lasting behavioural changes, so that people can tweak their strategies to serve them and empower them for the future.
Wendy runs numerous workshops called ‘Own your own mind’ which involve self-reflection, looking at values and how they can affect your direction in life. They incorporate numerous NLP techniques and that the women have a choice, how they react to circumstances. This teaches the women to look at the lessons learned and decide their future. They have a choice how you show up and you also have a choice to stand up.
Not just women
Wendy also works with men and Imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs are across the board and recent research shows us that men experience imposter syndrome worse than women. Wendy has been executive coaching a cohort of managers and line managers and she was thanked for her work as the difference in one line manager was like night and day,
Fake it till you make it is exhausting
Fake it till you make it is exhausting, you have to use so much energy to keep up the pretence. Since discovering NLP Wendy has realized how exhausting this mindset was. NLP makes real changes that allow people to accept who they are. Vulnerability in leadership is a key skill and teaches others around you, empowering people to move forward, their confidence grows, they show they are human and who they really are and this inspires other team members.
The significant difference since introducing NLP coaching
Wendy was resistant to complete the certified NLP Coaching course as she was already an ILM level 7 Coach… she knows that NLP is the secret sauce to making real change. You need to make changes at the unconscious level, to enable change to happen. With conscious coaching, you talk around the problem consciously. With NLP you make fundamental changes in the unconscious mind, which change behaviour and results fast.
Transformational breakthroughs
Wendy delivers a number of transformational breakthroughs and one client totally blew her mind….a woman in a senior position needed some help, she had lost her confidence who hadn’t taken any time over her experience, she was very emotional and was very down. Following the transformational process they met, Wendy couldn’t believe it was the same woman who was approaching her. Within weeks she was back out turning down jobs, and well on the way to an amazing career.
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]
Guest Bio

Name: Wendy Derrick
Job Title: Director at Leading Confidently Ltd
Bio: Wendy is the Founder of Leading Confidently Ltd, a multi award-winning, Executive Leadership & Confidence Coach, who knows first hand how it feels to inwardly struggle to get your voice heard. She has experienced a crisis of confidence and struggled with Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt and she knows exactly how limiting beliefs can hold you back in business and in life. As a Master NLP Coach she has transformed the lives of many, who now thrive at the top of their game, feel confident and empowered, and have the ability to dismantle those limiting beliefs and banish self-doubt.
Coaching Specialisms: Confidence Coach
Email Address: [email protected]