“Mindset is critical to Health and Weight Loss: “I’ve never been happier nor more fulfilled in life – that’s down to NLP”
featuring Yasmin Neves
Series 5 – Episode 9
“Mindset is critical to Health and Weight Loss: “I’ve never been happier nor more fulfilled in life – that’s down to NLP”
– featuring Yasmin Neves
Are you waiting until you’ve lost the weight before you’ll feel happy?
What if an unexpected 2 minute conversation about your health changed your life forever?
Ever considered the health consequences of being addicted to stress?… This is a story of hope and life changing transformation!
Ashamed of herself and hating every inch of her body, Yas set about losing 10 stone in weight, dropping from a size 26.
Little did she know this dramatic transformation would leave her with mindset challenges.
She appeared to have it all – the husband, the house, loads of disposable income, achieving milestones in her career AND the weight loss … but she still had a huge empty hole and was not happy.
At 27 in a 2 minute conversation her life changed forever as she was told she had an incurable disease of the brain and spinal cord, she was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis).
She spent the following 2 years terrified, angry and anxious about the future.
Thankfully an MS charity gave her hope and in the car one day Yas took back control of her life – her life was NOT going to slip away from her.
The new holistic approaches were however at odds with the ‘old her’ that was addicted to stress and overdrive. She was conflicted. She only booked her NLP Practitioner course to become a better communicator at work, but quickly released she was here to learn about the mind body connection.
She was fascinated by how the power of her thoughts could change how she felt and possibly improve her health.
She discusses how she wishes more people in the medical profession understood the role of mindset in health.
On her Master Practitioner programme she learned an NLP technique called the Weight Change Paradigm™ and now helps other people through her Weight Change Breakthrough Coaching (the key is … it’s not about the weight!).
She shares a case study of a client she’s helped with a 30 year battle with weight who now loves herself, is happy and the loss of weight is simply a byproduct.
Listen in today to this story of hope and transformation of both body and mind.
Life before NLP
Rewinding back ten years, Yasmin says that she was stuck in overdrive. Working, making money and looking to continuously feel happy.
She felt she had been sold a lie in that working, buying a house, a nice car, a well paid job, all these things would make her happy…they didn’t.
Yasmin decided that perhaps her body was to blame for her lack of happiness. As a size 26, she hated every inch of her body, she was hugely overweight and unhealthy. Getting a dog she started to go walking and move more, things started to change and she thought that she had found the missing part of her happiness.
Looking back she now realises that nothing had helped her mindset. She felt stuck in overdrive and kept pushing for more and more.
2016, Yasmin worked full time in HR, alongside a self-employed HR Consultancy, she had bought her first rental property and was planning a wedding. LIfe was super busy, Yasmin was addicted to stress, and suffering the consequences. She felt anxious, her chest was tight and despite everything she had a big empty hole where she thought happiness should sit.
Loss of vision
Yasmin woke up one morning and couldn’t see, her vision deteriorated overnight. She found herself in hospital, numerous tests that were inconclusive, after a week she discharged herself, without a true diagnosis.
On a follow-up appointment to get the results from an MRI scan taken during that week, within two minutes her life changed forever. Sat opposite the consultant he informed her that she had scarring on her brain and there were signs of inflammation and damage and said “its most likely you have MS (multiple Sclerosis)”. They told her to go live her life for now, don’t worry about it and let us know if anything substantial happens.
MS is considered an incurable disease of the brain and spine and affects all parts of the body.
Yasmin spent two years in shock, suffering from depression, anxiety, her health got worse. She was in a dark place. Her doctor had told her to not think about it. In NLP we understand that our unconscious mind cannot process negatives so her doctor had basically said “go away and think about it” which is what she did, leading to all her anxiety, depression and poor health.
Getting her diagnosis in 2018, people asked are you going to stop your plans, and Yasmin decided that things weren’t going to stop her. Two weeks later, she handed in her notice for her full-time job. She has also lost some friends along the way.
A piece of Hope
Researching MS, Yasmin found a charity called Over Coming MS, who offered support and ideas to help people specifically with MS. Changing her lifestyle and her habits, with the help of family and friends and with a piece of hope she made a decision ” I am going to live my best life possible, I am going to be well, I am going to be fit and healthy” she felt an overwhelming sense of emotion and that she was in control of her mindset and she had a choice. She knew how important it was to focus her mind and focus on those things that made her well.
A terrible communicator
A previous manager had drilled into Yasmin that she was a terrible communicator, by chance a post for NLP training by Unleash Your Potential and Laura had popped up on her Facebook page and she recognised that NLP could help her improve her communication so she booked herself on the NLP Practitioner course. Unknowing to her that this was the start of a huge mindset shift.
NLP Training
Formal learning had always been a struggle for Yasmin and she found the pre-course study easy to learn and retain information, making sure she was equipped to attend the course. She discovered the mind-body connection and knew she was meant to learn this stuff.
By the end of the Practitioner course she found her mind changed so much in 7 days and she was thinking differently and letting go of so many negative emotions.
The knot of anxiety had gone, she had carried this all her life and it was gone. It had also made the changes in her mind that helped her let go and move forward with clarity and confidence in herself.
Going on to complete her Master Practitioner certification, she found that she had sorted her head. She had been working on the physical changes and NLP helped her make mental changes, which in turn helped her to regress her MS symptoms.
Mind Body Connection
Laura explained how on her Practitioner course, her trainer had said that the body and mind were connected. She wasn’t sure she agreed, so she went away and read Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra, after reading the book, she understood and decided to give it a go. Experimenting how to make changes in your body with your mind is easy, Laura experimented with her body having a cold. She uses language to tell herself she is fit and well. Whether this is placebo, or not she does not care as it works every time.
Yasmin agrees, that the mind body connection is real and what you focus on is what you get. Yasmin has been focusing on the positive. When you bring your attention to your focus, you can then shift your energy. The power of our thoughts can change our physiology. We are capable of healing ourselves.
Yasmin feels the best she has ever felt, she feels whole and happy and feels the best she has ever felt, this is down to her mind body connection and working on all parts of her life.
Values alignment
Our values drive our behaviour and in NLP we learn all about our values and how they guide us and our thinking. Aligning your values, thinking and behaviour can deliver a less stressful and positive life, as we living our true values.
Yasmin knew that certain things in her life were going against her values, and to make changes and decisions sitting alongside her values, has given her a new lease of life.
Helping others to move forward
Using the NLP toolkit, Yasmin is now using the toolkit to help others with their health and wellbeing.
After completing the NLP training, Yasmin took time to reflect on what is important to her and how she wanted to help others in health and fitness, specifically on weight loss. A single Instagram post led to an influx of people who wanted help with weight loss and wellbeing.
One success story includes a lady who opted for a weight loss breakthrough. After just two days of working with Yasmin, she has after one month, lost a stone in weight and 12 inches off her body. She already feels happy with herself and the weight loss is a by-product of loving herself and looking after her mental wellbeing.
Changing your mindset, the rest follows. Eating is a behaviour, the behaviour is controlled by the unconscious mind. If we can make changes at the unconscious mind, changes can happen. Eating is linked to how we feel, so by changing the mindset and how we feel about ourselves, the results can then happen.
Being well is both physical and mental, and a huge example of the mind body connection.
Yasmin sees the change in people, literally physically they change in front of her eyes…their skin tone changes, their eyes glisten, their posture shifts and she feels very fortunate to help others change their lives.
Weight Loss starter
You can try these two techniques to start a weight loss journey using your mindset.
Grab a piece of paper and draw yourself a graph. The Vertical axis is your weight, the horizontal axis is your age. Plot your weight against your age. Mark out on the graph where your weight has increased and ask yourself what was happening in your life at that time. Normally weight increase is linked to events, In NLP we called this a significant emotional event.
The second task and keep a food diary, write down everything you eat for two weeks and score yourself 0 I feel rubbish, 10 I feel amazing. Note down your score and how you feel, then look for patterns and the things that may need changing.
Selecting an NLP Course – FREE GUIDE
If you are interested in NLP training – download our free guide to selecting the best NLP course for you HERE
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
Web Address: www.unleashyourpotential.org.uk
Email Address: [email protected]
Guest Bio

Name: Yasmin Neves
Job Title: Entrepreneur
Bio: Yasmin owns and runs several successful businesses and has expertise in Human Resources, property, and coaching. Yasmin is a Master Coach of Neuro Linguistics and has a whole range of tools to help people achieve long lasting change in their lives. Yasmin has overcome a number of personal challenges in her life and is currently learning to heal herself completely after a diagnosis of an auto immune disease. She is passionate about wellbeing, mindset, self-sufficiency and helping others to live a complete and meaningful life. Yasmin has transformed every aspect of her life and isn’t afraid of living a slightly unconventional life in the country.
Coaching Specialisms: Wellness Coach
Web Address: www.healthyhr.co.uk
Email Address: [email protected]