How NLP helped me transform my life and gave me the courage to follow my passion! – featuring Louisa Thomas
Series 4 – Episode 5
How NLP helped me transform my life and gave me the courage to follow my passion!
– featuring Louisa Thomas
How NLP helped me transform my life and give me the courage to follow my passion!
Are you in a job you’d say is ‘alright’?
Have you found yourself settling for ‘ok’ in life?
Lost your ‘Va,Va,Voom’ and feel like you lack a clear direction in your life?
Are you struggling to find the confidence or courage to follow your passion?
Are you interested in hearing an inspirational story of how one lady became incredible?
– In this episode Louisa Thomas shares how she came across NLP with a view to helping others enhance THEIR lives … BUT quickly realised the biggest benefit of her NLP Training was her own transformation!
She shares how a series of realisations on her NLP Practitioner course lead her to the decision that she COULD and WOULD set up a coaching business following her passion!
Fast forward 8 months and she’s a fully qualified Master Coach and has never been calmer, more content nor more fulfilled!
She is a better version of herself .. truly transforming the lives of those she works with. An inspirational story that you’ll love – check it out today!
HR Career crossroads…
A 20 year career in HR, had Louisa questioning what the next twenty years would be like. She found herself asking questions “why do we do what we do?”, “What makes us do what we do?” and “What is important to my purpose??”.
Louisa knew she wanted to help others and add value but what else, she started searching for answers and came across Laura Evans, Lead trainer at Unleash Your Potential and her NLP training courses
Little did Louisa know that she was embarking on a personal transformational journey.
Life before NLP…
Life for Louisa before NLP was filled with stress, worry and pressure. Things held Louisa back and she felt she lacked confidence in her performance in work. She carried this over into her home life and all these things impacted her health. She describes this stress as a constant noise that engulfed her at all times.
NLP opened her eyes to personal change…
Louisa knew she wanted to help others and add value to their lives, it wasn’t until she attended the NLP Practitioner course that she realised the change had to begin with herself.
The NLP Practitioner course opened her eyes and taught her that the things that had been holding her back in her life, didn’t need to. She had the power to change every element of her life. She realised that she didn’t have to have a life filled with stress and pressure. She could let go of the noise and move forward.
What do you want?
Louisa recalls Laura asking her and the whole training room, the question “What do you want to get out of this course?” Initially, Louisa replied “To be able to speak confidently in front of people”…as the course progressed Louisa began to understand how she processed information. She learned new tools and techniques and she began to notice a sense of calm.
Part of the course is to write and set yourself a goal. Louisa admits this was the first time in her whole life that she had actually sat and thought ‘what do I actually want?’
Helping others using NLP
Completing her NLP Practitioner course Louisa couldn’t wait to go into the world and help everyone, as she wanted everyone else to know that you can change your life. NLP has helped to transform her life but she quickly learned that you have to wait for those people to come to you and to want to change.
Surprised by Hypnosis
Louisa followed her NLP Practitioner course with her Certified Coach qualification which includes Coaching, Time Line Therapy™ training and hypnosis.
Louisa admits she wasn’t keen on hypnosis as her experience had only been with stage hypnosis which is very different. Lousia admits that she was very wrong. She was learning a powerful relaxation tool, that enables people to change easily. She pushes the point that you should go into life with an open mind as you never know what experiences you are missing.
Follow your passion and your dreams
Louisa wanted to follow her passion and purpose. During her training, she had sparks of motivation that told her she wanted to help people resolve issues and find solutions with them. Nlp helped Louisa transform her life, she knew she could help others defining what they wanted to do and find their purpose, then go on to help them with her NLP toolkit and techniques.
Louisa says that everyone should make the time for themselves, to enable change and give themselves self-care. You deserve that.
Time Line Therapy™ proved to be super powerful for Louisa (you can learn more about Time Line Therapy™ in series 2 of the podcast) she says that she felt lighter, less stressed and totally calm, which still sits with her today.
Master Practitioner Programme
From day one on her Masters NLP qualification, it became a journey and it delivered for Louisa more confidence, more knowledge, more excitement to really help herself and her clients.
The cumulating finale of the fourteen days training on the master’s program is the breakthrough process. Laura teaches the students how to deliver an intense coaching breakthrough for a client and you also get to experience the breakthrough process as the client, which is the best way to understand the tools and techniques and experience what it feels like. Plus is enables each person to get rid of any unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours that may be holding you in your life.
Values uncover your motivation
Louisa admits that she found the values section of her Master’s training fascinating and exciting to understand that her own values clearly showed her what needed to be changed to achieve her goals. We all have towards and away from motivators in our lives and these are driven by our unconscious minds. When you start to unpick the values and focus on what is really important in your life. It is about removing the distractions and negative energies to focus on your goals filled with clarity, confidence, and direction. Becoming a better version of yourself.
Incredible you…
Louisa has launched her coaching business called ‘Incredible You’. Helping people to fix numerous issues such as redundancy confidence, anxiety issues, overwhelm, sleep issues and even nail biting. Fast change work is what NLP delivers and enables people to get out of their own way.
Change can also be subtle and a well-placed conversation can be enough to motivate someone to make a change and start moving forward.
Louisa tailors her coaching packages to the individual she is working with and her coaching tool kit now has the flexibility to offer a service that fits with the person in front of her.
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]
Guest Bio

Job Title: Lead Transformational Coach
Bio: Louisa is the lead transformational coach at Incredible You and she is passionate about helping people live their personal and professional life with clarity and confidence. In her HR career, she coached people with great results, but she wanted to offer more. Louisa wanted to understand why we think the way we do, to understand what holds us back from living the life we want and to learn techniques that make positive, long lasting changes. This led her to NLP and her journey to becoming a Master Practitioner. Louisa also works with corporate clients through her other business, Go Beyond HR.
Coaching Specialisms: Transformational Coaching
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]