Series is coming! Find out more today!
Series 6 – Episode 0
Series 6 of NLP Talks Podcast is coming! Find out more today!
What’s in store for series 6 of the NLP Talks Podcast? – listen today to find out more!
We’ve got an amazing line up of guests for series 6 and today I’m going to give you a sneak peak into who’s joining me!
They’ll share with you how Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has positively impacted them whether that’s their career, business or helping to transform their life.
I’ll also be inviting back some previous guests to share how they’ve been getting on since they last appeared on the show as well as doing some deep dive sessions on topics that you’ve ask for.
Ensure you subscribe now and turn on notifications for your podcast platform of choice.
Also be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and/or join our NLP Talks Facebook community if you want to join me for the pre-release (when I record each episode live!).
Episode one comes out on 6th Oct, so you’ve got a few weeks to catch up on any episodes you’ve missed!
Email Laura your ideas for series 6: [email protected]
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]