How NLP got me 3 promotions at work and helped me help my son transform his life! – featuring Marie Foyster
Series 4 – Episode 4
How NLP got me 3 promotions at work and helped me help my son transform his life!
– featuring Marie Foyster
Imagine if NLP could help someone become more influential, resonate more with others, build more effective relationships at work and could help deliver measurable business results?
Interested to hear how believing you ARE good enough & knowing you CAN do something helps people get promoted?
Are you interested in hearing how NLP transformed the academic ability of a teen and equipped them to move beyond bullying?
Perhaps you want tips on how NLP helps a parent to REALLY understand their teen and build a lasting healthy relationship?
In this episode Marie shares how NLP is her secret weapon as a Health & Safety Professional, Leader and Parent.
She shares how communication leads to great relationships both at home and at work.
You’ll be inspired by how her NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner toolkit helped her help her son (after 9 years of struggling with the education system) and why he’s never been happier!
This episode will resonate with so many people – tune in today!
Promotions at work – NLP Transforming a career
Marie Foyster completed all the levels of NLP training with Laura Evans of Unleash Your Potential and this enabled her to personally change and transform her career. Achieving three promotions, a substantial uplift in salary and the knowledge that she has helped and continues to help transform the businesses she works for and with.
Using NLP techniques for success
Marie admits that she used the Circle of Confidence NLP technique that she learned on her NLP Practitioner course before an interview. She states that she would never have got the job, had she not had that calm, inner confidence and self-belief in herself that she gained on her NLP training. Her mindset had changed and all self-doubt had gone.
Getting results in the workplace
Maries NLP training taught her how to effectively communicate with all colleagues and customers. As a Health and Safety Consultant, Marie needed to find solutions to deliver health and safety messages. She amended her written and verbal communication so it connected with people on all levels and her message landed in multiple ways. Suddenly the messages were getting through to individuals leading to a reduction of workplace accident figures and results in other areas of the business started to grow.
Using NLP to transform a child’s results
Marie recognised that her NLP skills not only could help her at work, she could use these skills to help her son in school.
When he was very young, the school had said that her son was struggling on an academic level, he was lashing out at other children. He was struggling with concentration, reading and couldn’t write at the same level as other children his age. It was identified that something was wrong and it took nine years of assessments, visits and battles with very little joy.
The nine years of assessments, battles and unsupportive teachers led to her son believing he was not good enough, he was dumb and never have a job when he leaves school.
Marie started using the NLP techniques she had learned, to understand her son’s model of the world and to adapt a new way of learning for him
She helped her son to create new ways of thinking. To have a new choice, a new thought and a new behaviour. Telling him that there are multiple ways to learn things and they needed to find a way that worked for him.
Slowly she saw small successes and results within just 15 minutes a day. Marie began to get curious if one NLP technique worked, could it be applied to other areas. Applying this curiosity to mathematics she saw him get a result, he managed to sit in the school hall take a test and get 100% pass rate. Enabling him to move up a set level – marie knew she was on to a winner.
Marie continued with academic learning and then began focusing on her son’s friendships and communication skills using lots of different NLP techniques to help her son get more great results.
She knew he was capable of more than he had achieved. She had chased a label for nine years when she discovered NLP, she realised all she needed to know was how to use the NLP techniques to change him for the better, change the behaviour for a better way. Which has changed his life, a principle of NLP.
People are not their behaviours
One of the presuppositions of NLP is that people are not their behavours and Marie has proved this to be totally true.
Stopping the bullies
Communication and our language have a huge impact on us all. Maries son suffered from bullying in school.
Marie took time to work with her son to understand that what the bullies said was not true for him. Helping him to let go of the negative emotions and replace them with positive emotions using a number of NLP techniques including Time Line Therapy™ enabled him to deal with the bullies and improve his own self-esteem.
There are multiple actions that Marie took to work with her son and now works with other parents in a coaching capacity to help their children and themselves going forward.
Helping parents with their children
Marie has taken her success with her son and used those principles to help other parents and families transform themselves and their relationships with each other. She is the re-connection coach working with parents and their children to help change lives and get through the challenges of daily life, using content free NLP tools with great success.
Host Bio

Name: Laura Evans
Job Title: International Trainer of NLP at Unleash Your Potential Ltd
Bio: After 15 years in HR and Training roles in corporate life Laura decided to follow her passion of how the mind works, empowering people & helping them unleash their potential. She started studying NLP in 2008, is a Certified Trainer of NLP (accredited by the ABNLP) and Master Coach. Laura runs NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis & NLP Coaching courses from Cardiff and Birmingham (UK) and offers some courses online. A chartered member of the CIPD, Laura is also a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor and Member of Institute of Directors. With NLP, Laura was amazed at how quickly and easily she could change things that had held her back for years and saw astonishing results! She brings a sense of fun, energy and passion to her courses – “she is one of the [NLP] industry’s rising stars!”
Coaching Specialisms: Coaches, Business Owners, Leaders & Professionals
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Guest Bio

Name: Marie Foyster
Job Title: Parent Coach
Bio: Certified NLP Master Coach at Marie Foyster Limited, Transformational parent coach. I have experienced first-hand many of the challenges that you face and continuing to face, the challenges with technology is huge, the peer and academic pressures on children and their families. Then there’s sibling rivalry, teens not listening, bullying, homework and home schooling, mess and not forgetting the sea of shoes in the hall. It can be stressful and as such, it is imperative that we look after ourselves and find solutions to the challenges to allow us to find harmony and balance in our lives.
Coaching Specialisms: Parent Coach – Helping exhausted mums to combat parent fatigue and develop a healthy relationship with their teen.
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