NLP Talks with Laura Evans – Episode 5
Sort out your sales through NLP with Bob Kennedy
Concerned about your sales performance? Looking to get the inside track? Do you think sales is a dirty word or think you can’t do it?
In this episode of NLP Talks with Laura Evans we invite you to meet Bob Kennedy a Sales & Business Coach and Master NLP Coach, with a track record of helping people significantly improve their sales performance. He’ll share inspirational stories and tips that will help you to take the first steps to realising your sales potential.
From early in his career with BT, Bob was introduced to NLP early on in his career with BT by his manager (although he didn’t realise it at the time) Following his training with Laura at Unleash Your Potential, he is now a fully qualified Master Practitioner of NLP and works with a wide client base.
Negative self-talk?
Bob thinks one of the biggest stumbling blocks for many people in sales is the negative self-talk that goes on inside their heads. The feelings of fear are very real and to overcome these feelings can be empowering. In the sales world, unhelpful thinking patterns can lead to poor results and to work with a coach to understand your patterns can very quickly turn your sales results around.
Anchoring, a great NLP technique
Bob uses Anchoring to create specific feelings such as confidence, happiness, calm and more. Learning this technique can help you prepare for that all important sales meeting and have a winning mindset. Bob shares his latest testimonial, where he had learned that his client had generated the best sales for the last five years, he says ” The magnitude of results it has bought to my life is like a blind man regaining his sight!”
Watch your language!
Bob also shares with you the importance of recognising the language that you use and the impact your language can have on your results. Negative words such as Try and But have a negative impact and Bob encourages you to use more positive, affirming language such as, I can, I will, I must hit my target. Set your intention of what you wish to achieve. If you jump on a train but do not know your destination, how are you going to know when you get there? Setting the intention every day helps to give you self discipline and the classic NLP Mantra ” What you focus on, you get” rings true every time.
Mindset for success…
The mindset for sales success is massively about attitude and finding out what is important to the client. You can sell all the features of your product but if you do not understand what is important to the client, you will never make the sale. Sales is all about Rapport building (another great NLP technique), getting to know, like and trust someone takes time but delivers great sales results.
Many people in sales claim to have blocks and these are more often than not just a mindset issue. Fear can stop anyone dead in their tracks and fear can be a very real feeling. The fear of failure, the fear of rejection, the fear of picking up the telephone. The good news is that with NLP techniques, such as Time Line Therapy™ or a simple belief change you can remove those old feelings and help you achieve the success you desire.
Laura’s Quick Fire Round Questions
- What does Unleash Your Potential mean to you? – Realising your power
- If you were to have a favourite saying what would it be? – “If you can keep your head when those around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…”. (“If”…Rudyard Kipling)
- If you could go back to any age, which would it be? – “17, just before joining the Navy and moving to the Hebrides”.
Unleash Your Potential Badge
Bob chose the badge Clarity – what does that mean to you? “To be clear about what you want and when you know what you want, life becomes a whole lot simpler” – Bob Kennedy
Guest Bio

Name: Bob Kennedy
Job Title: Director Anchor Success
Bio: Anchor Success was born from the unique background and skills of our founder Bob Kennedy. He has decades of experience in sales and business development, and is a qualified NLP Master Coach & Practitioner. His past roles have included Regional Sales Manager for British Telecom, covering Wales, Midlands and the South West, General Sales Manager Car Shop, Sales Manager for CarCraft, and sales representative at Sparshatts Group.
Coaching Specialisms: Sales Training, Coaching, Breakthroughs
Web Address:
Email Address: [email protected]