NLP Talks with Laura Evans – Episode 9
NLP transforms life & results, Fast! with Lisa Dyer
Fed up of just coping? What if you could thrive? What if things didn’t need to be this way and you could change it?
In this episode of NLP Talks with Laura Evans, our guest Master NLP Coach Lisa Dyer shares her personal story of how NLP transformed her life. She’ll share how NLP breakthrough Coaching changed her results and how she now helps people across the UK transform their lives and create the shiniest version of themselves!
Laura begins the podcast by asking Lisa ” What was life like before NLP?” Lisa admits that she is now a totally different person and it is difficult to think back to that time. She used to think of herself as a swan. Everything on the surface outside looks perfect and going well, although underneath and inside it felt like she just needed to keep up with the tide and was swimming like mad! Lisa had always heard snippets about NLP and had a keen interest in personal development. She became curious and thought it may help her but didn’t realise how much it would make a difference in her life and help her the way it has following her training.
NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Training
Laura talks about Lisa’s NLP Practitioner training and how people do not realise how transformational it can be. On the course people realise that real change is possible, you can clear out unhelpful thinking and move forward. Lisa found the NLP Practitioner Training a surreal experience. It is not until after the course when you go back to your normal life that you recognise the change that have been made within yourself. Her family and friends noticed how different she was. She was reacting differently to certain situations and wasn’t becoming as stressed as she was before. She had a calm resolve and looked at life completely differently. She attributed this to the Time Line Therapy element within the training. Lisa felt that her NLP Master Practitioner training was enlightening. It affected her at a deep level and she saw a further fundamental change within herself.
Personal Iceberg
Lisa’s NLP Master Practitioner training enabled her to explore her “personal Iceberg” as she describes it. Lisa explains that the surface of the iceberg is what you present to the world I.e. your appearance, your words, how you present yourself to the world. The underneath of the iceberg (the bit we don’t show people) is our values, beliefs, all the things you keep hidden inside yourself and never question. It is our values and beliefs that drive our behaviour and this is what NLP is all about. On the Master Practitioner Training Lisa was able to make changes to her personal iceberg that reflected a truly transformational journey. Laura says “that change and progress happens when we work at the unconscious level, which is what happens with NLP”.
Those old feelings have gone
A large part of Lisa’s job at the time of her NLP Master Practitioner included training. Usually she would feel nervous and worry about other peoples opinions and she would finish a session feeling totally shattered. Following NLP she found that she was more composed and not consumed with worry which meant she was far more relaxed following a training session.
The board break
Part of the NLP Master Practitioner training involves a board break, where the delegates are asked to smash a wooden board with their hands. This process isn’t about strength more about modeling a process. Lisa says that she vividly remembers her board break moment, how she was given her board and asked to write her hopes, dreams, and aspirations on one side, then the obstacles that stopped her achieving them on the other side. Lisa joked that Laura turns you into the karate kid! By following the modeling process and committing to the discipline, by applying all the NLP skills that are taught, Lisa could and did successfully smash the board.
Breakthrough Coaching
Is the best personal development that you can experience says, Lisa. She was fascinated by the values process and working away from the things in her life she didn’t want. When she recognised this and started working towards what she really wanted it made a huge change within her. For Lisa the breakthrough part of her training was transformational and she now applies that to her clients. She has seen life-altering changes, including physical changes. It can be an emotional journey that creates a bond with your breakthrough coach. It is a unique opportunity to clear all of the negative stuff out of your life and make transformational change. Often we are so busy getting on with our day to day lives and cop without questioning anything. Breakthrough coaching allows you to stop and make changes and not accept life the way it is.
Lisa felt that as a result of the coaching she now had the ability to deal with family relationships that were proving to be unhelpful. She was able to take a stand and be more assertive. Her breakthrough allowed her to have conversations with family members that previously she had avoided, removing stress and pressure that had been present for a long time. She had discovered a new confidence and acceptance of who she was.
Opening up new possibilities…
Lisa is currently in the throws of starting her own business and helping others with coaching. Having been through her training, Lisa now knows how life-changing NLP can be. Now she uses these skills to help others achieve the same. This is an exciting time for Lisa and one she never thought was possible before NLP.
Lauras Quick Fire Round Questions
1. What does Unleash Your Potential mean to you? “Transformational”
2. If you go could back to any age, what age would you go back to? – “11 – so carefree and lovely.”
3. If you were to have a keyword or phrase, or a pearl of wisdom, what would you say? – “We all have hidden depth, we can all shine. It’s all there within you, you just have to realise there is another way.”
Unleash Your Potential Badge
Lisa chose the badge Focus “Prior to NLP my focus was very limited. NLP gives you the focus to know what you really want and go for it!
Guest Bio

Name: Lisa Dyer
Job Title: Coach
Bio: Lisa is an Executive & Master NLP coach, & is highly passionate about the transformational impact of coaching at both an organisational & individual level. Lisa has diverse experience within Human Resources, & has over 10 years’ experience as a Learning & Development Professional. She has also worked with the Leading accredited bodies for Leadership & Management in Wales: – the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), & Chartered Management Institute (CMI). Lisa has personally experienced the transformational benefits of coaching in maximizing her potential & improving her life. She wants to encourage others to experience the same.
Coaching Specialisms: Maximising potential, General Coaching
Email Address: [email protected]