NLP Talks with Laura Evans – Episode 1

Confidence that led to becoming an unstoppable Coach with Colita Dainton


Want to become more confident? Understand how NLP can help you become a competent and confidence Coach? Want to run a successful Coaching business?

In this episode of NLP Talks with Laura Evans, we invite you to meet Colita Dainton, Master Coach and Director of, who will share 3 top tips on how you can improve your confidence, including an exercise, called the ‘Circle of Confidence’ and as well as her journey to becoming an Unstoppable Coach getting great results for her clients!

Colita begins her podcast with the fact that as a coach she is only the tour guide, the coaching client does all the hard work.  The client is the roadmap to success, and as coaches, we have a huge toolkit to use at our fingertips. Namely NLP for Colita.

Colita and Laura talk about life before NLP and how during executive coaching there always felt like there was something missing.  Laura likes to call this conscious coaching.  By using the NLP techniques Colita has learned in the classroom, she has been able to get to the root of problems and has found that dealing with one specific problem, in one specific context, can actually remove multiple other problems at the same time.  Therefore delivering great results for her clients.

Client Success!

Colita shares an example of one of her clients who presented with low self-esteem, a failing marriage, poor relationships, and a failing business. The client said they really didn’t see the point in living.  With her skills and training, Colita established the key points of his coaching journey beginning with asking the questions “What do you want? Where do you want to go and how do we get you there? Focusing on the future, not the past.

So, working with the client, Colita encouraged them to establish a goal, in this case in the form of a picture. The client sessions involved a range of NLP techniques including Time Line Therapy™, anchoring, and belief changes which produced outstanding results!  The client has since gone on to turn their life around, including moving into their dream home,  being engaged to be married and bringing their business back to life, and not forgetting to continually tell people “Colita changed my life”.

Colita’s Top Tips

Within NLP there are so many techniques and coaching tips to use and there are many ways to trick the brain and changing thought patterns to achieve results.  Colita shares three top tips to help you that are simple and quick to implement wherever you are;

1. A simple mantra to repeat “This is simple, this is easy, this is fun!”  When you are faced with a daunting task or something you really don’t want to do, you can use the mantra, repeated as many times as necessary.  This fools the brain into thinking differently and makes tasks less daunting and less annoying.

2. Pencil in the mouth – if you are having a bad day and feeling a little down, try placing a pencil in your mouth.  Placing a pencil in your mouth, curls up the sides of your mouth, therefore fooling your brain into thinking you are happy and releases happy endorphins.  If nothing else, it will make you giggle at yourself and feel a little silly, changing your state and thinking.  In NLP we realise that changing our state changes our thinking and the simple change of physiology when placing a pen in our mouths can lead to a change of state and a happier place.  The unconscious mind cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy so it is convinced by the behaviour and the words we tell ourselves.

3. Circle of Excellence – a simple technique that teaches you to build a confident/happy/calm state and take it with you whenever you need it. You can access a copy of the Circle of Excellence technique here.

Online Life Coaching

Laura and Colita talk about Life Coaching and how online courses can do a disservice to coaching.   More often than not the theory is good, but you really learn when immersed in the classroom with other like-minded people and use NLP techniques with others to really embed the learning.  She started off with NLP Practitioner training and never looked back.

Colita attributes running a successful business to the additional Unleash Your Potential ‘Making Sales Easy‘ course and the “Starting and running your own coaching business” course. The courses gave her a huge to-do list of business-related tasks and it reminded her to “Turn her taxi light on!” allowing people to know that she was for hire.

Passing Exams!

Colita shares how confidence building NLP techniques helped a doctor pass a very important exam that they had failed six times before. Two short coaching sessions later and the client achieved the success and confidence they needed to pass the exam.

Lauras Quick Fire Round Questions

  1. What does Unleash Your Potential mean to you? “It means awesomeness – it’s been a journey and I walked away being awesome”.
  2. What’s your favourite word? – Bananas
  3. If you could stay any age what would it be and why? – “17, it meant college, nightclubs, music, parties and I wasn’t tired and could manage it all”.
  4. Have you a pearl of wisdom to share? – “Trust in you and celebrate your success.  Consider what you have done in the last week that you can celebrate, it can be something as simple as completing the ironing.  Never forget to celebrate your success”.

Unleash Your Potential Badge

Colita chose the badge Brave – Laura asks “what does brave mean to you?” –  “I chose the Brave badge as NLP gave me the tools to be brave, to do what I want to do and go out there and keep doing what I want to do, be brave and nail it”. Colita Dainton

Guest Bio

Name: Colita Dainton
Job Title: Chief Coach /Director of Litabix
Bio: Following a variety of career experience in the lands of accountancy, marketing, business development, sales, leadership and development – redundancy offered a surprising twist for Colita. This opportunity enabled her to start her own business and she began to explore the world of NLP.   She has since gone on to qualify as a Master Practitioner. Combining her experience, creativity and curiosity,  Colita has been using NLP techniques within her coaching business to achieve life changing results for a large portfolio of clients. Colita has worked with both children and adults in areas of self esteem, confidence, phobia removal, exam anxiety, relationship issues and so much more.
Coaching Specialisms: Self esteem, confidence, phobia removal, exam anxiety, relationship issues, breakthrough coaching
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